
Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Bibliophile's Ramblings

I invented it! Not the original idea of course, but the A Bibliophile's Ramblings headline and the whole...well...rambling-ness to it. In this segment of my blogtastic career, I will talk about whatever I want. So ha! It could be music, books, life, gummy bears, unicorns, annoying people, why I disapprove of writing on books..or highlighting...or dog earing pages *shudders*.  For all you know, I could talk about the candy I didn't get this week. Or I could throw in an awesome giveaway because I feel like it. Whatever I ramble about, it's my opinion. *shrugs* So now the question is, my dear reader, to read or not to read?

So this is mostly a welcome to my brain post. So. Welcome. Don't be scared...I have candy. Wow. That was way creepier than I meant for it to be. Hola. I guess y'all are here to stay, huh? I think I'll just give you the run down of me.

Some random facts:

  • I have bad experiences with ramps. Don't ever slide down one with that stuff on it that makes you not fall. It feels like glass. Do. Not. Slide. Down. RESIST THE URGE! What? I was like 7.
  • I have two doggies and two kitties. The cats want to kill each other. We keep them on separate sides of the house.Meow. Hiss. Hiss.
  • My computer is dying a painful death. Then he revives. Then he dies. Again. 
  • One day I am going to backpack through Europe. I think I'll just wait in a cute little coffee shop..or book shop waiting for my Anna and the French Kiss moment. Mmmm. I love coffee.
  • There is a very good chance that I am book obsessed. Not a certain thing of course. There have been no studies...though I am almost 99.9% positive that scientists will want my brain to study. 
  •  Music is like a second language for me. Actually more like 2.5, right after books. Then of course, food after that.
  • I love pot roast. And fettuccine alfredo, and chicken fried steak (or anything fried (GO TX STATE FAIR! FRIED PINEAPPLE UPSIDE DOWN CAKE!!))
  • We are currently housing a small white fluff ball. He has wayyy too much energy for this household. 
  • I have Vocal Cord Dysfunction. Never heard of it? Not surprised. It's actually pretty common. Basically whenever I'm stressed or working out my vocal folds decide to stay together cuz they're freaking out. It causes me to not be able to breathe in. Yay. At least I can't die from it- only pass out. Fuuuun.
  • Spanish is not my friend. Conjugation. And verbs. In Spanish? Oh goodness. Fabulous.
  • Dr. Pepper will one day rule the world along side robots. The RoboPepper Invasion of 2014. Don't doubt me.
  • @NoBentSpines
  • My big dog (his name's Icky, by the way) runs in his sleep
  • I hope (right now) to one day work in PR. Mwahaha. 
  • I really would like to hit 100 Followers. TeeHeeHee
  • The prospect of flying monkeys scare the crap out of me. Dude, they look like they're out to suck out your soul. And houses falling on people. I'll pass.
  • I will never go skydiving. Ever. Fear of heights.
     So, hello, jello, mellow....fello, Hey. Wassup dude. Thanks for joining the ramble.

Bloglovin Follower Reminder!!

Hello my fellow bibliophiles! (if you don't know what it mean, look it up. It will serve you well)

Did you remember? Google Reader will be gone forever tomorrow, July 1, 2013. Bloglovin' is everywhere so that's what I'll be using so y'all con follow me. Of course you can use email too, but that's a given. You can transfer the blogs you are following through Google Reader to BlogLovin' using this link.

So if you still feel like following me, please click the lovely button below to do so. Thanks!

Follow on Bloglovin Follow on Bloglovin

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking The Shelves, hosted by Tynga’s Reviews, is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks...I kinda collect those in bulk. Hello! Freebies!!

This Week:

Author Provided: 

The Scent of a Soul by Jennifer Thompson

Books I Bought:

Crow's Row (finally)
The Drifting by L. Filloon
Losing It
Degrees of Wrong

Goodreads FR:

All Our Pretty Songs 


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Review: Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry

Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry
Source: Stolen from BFF
Hardcover, 392 pages
Published July 31st 2012 by Harlequin Teen
ISBN: 0373210493
 No one knows what happened the night Echo Emerson went from popular girl with jock boyfriend to gossiped-about outsider with "freaky" scars on her arms. Even Echo can't remember the whole truth of that horrible night. All she knows is that she wants everything to go back to normal.But when Noah Hutchins, the smoking-hot, girl-using loner in the black leather jacket, explodes into her life with his tough attitude and surprising understanding, Echo's world shifts in ways she could never have imagined. They should have nothing in common. And with the secrets they both keep, being together is pretty much impossible.

Yet the crazy attraction between them refuses to go away. And Echo has to ask herself just how far they can push the limits and what she'll risk for the one guy who might teach her how to love again.

How do I explain something so epic? Echo and Noah are meant for each other from the start. Aside a few snide comments they fell hard and fast. Neither of them really knew it was happening. Lust. That's what they thought it was. Except, Noah, for the first time in his entire high school career wanted more than sex. He wanted Echo to be his. This books talks about a subject which I had never read in YA. It deals with Echo's mom being bipolar.
I like books with amazing and epic love stories, but they need some meat. Pushing the Limits has just that. It has substance. It deals with both Noah and Echo's depressing back stories. For Noah, his brother's have always been the most important thing in his life, and when they are taken away from him, he decides that he will do everything in his power to take them back. All he wants in his family. Then Echo enters the picture.
Echo was never in any of his plans. No girl was, just a collection of one night stands. But Echo still comes and changes his world. He marvels that he has never seen a girl with so many dark secrets, a girl with so many scars (both emotional and physical) who is so strong. Echo has the power over him that no one else has ever had. 
“I've got you. I swear to God, I've got you," said Noah. "Stay with me, Echo."
I wanted to. I wanted to stay with him, but the shouting and screams and glass breaking in my mind grew louder. "Make it stop."
He tightened his grip on my arms. "Fight, Echo! You've got to f***ing fight. Come on, baby. You're safe.” 
Echo's story is equally as heartbreaking as Noah's. It amazes me that both of them had the power to go on, to live, after all they'd been through. They were able to joke around and let themselves fall in love. I was so happy there was no insta-love in this. They fell hard and fast for sure, but it still took time. They didn't take one look at each other and decided they were meant to be together forever.
I also loooved their counselor. Neither one of them wanted to talk to her ever, the sessions with Echo's step-mom (used to be babysitter -_-) and her dad were almost painful to read. There was so much tension. She played a minor role in the story but a ginormous role in each of their lives.

I loved the stories of Echo's name! *sigh* I don't know what else to discuss with y'all. LET'S TALK ABOUT LOVE!
“Come here, baby." And with my words, Echo leaned into me soft, pliant, broken. "You're not alone," I whispered into her hair as I cradled her in my arms. "You're not alone, because you have me." And I love you, more than you could ever know ” 
Echo and Noah's love was amazing. It wasn't the kind you usually read about. You had to trust. You had to learn about the other. You had to realize that they had problems too. You had to learn that you can't save everyone. You had to learn that sometimes, the hardest part is after the fall.
Noah and Echo each had the ultimate revelation in this book. Is everyone who you thought they were? When is it time to let go? (This one's for Echo especially) What really happened?

Overall, this book is gorgeous. If you haven't read it, go buy it. Right now. You think I'm kidding? It's a tangled web of broken and beautiful and a melody so sweet that breathless isn't a good enough word to describe the way it leaves you. The characters are meant to be. The ending may or may not shock you. You'd think that you were in the book if you didn't see your walls around you. That's how good it is. Katie's writing draws you in and doesn't let you go. Ever. This is a story that will stay with you forever. In the words of Phillip Phillips "I'll love you long after you're gone, gone gone." 
“If you’re scared, tell me. If you need to cry and scream, then do it. And you sure as hell don’t walk away from us because you think it would be better for me. Here’s the reality, Echo: I want to be by your side. If you want to go to the mall stark naked so you can show the world your scars, then let me hold your hand. If you want to see your mom, then tell me that too. I may not always understand, but damn, baby, I’ll try.”
I'm not doing a very good job at describing it. Let's try this: this book makes you want a Noah. Pushing the Limits makes you realize that true love doesn't come easy, it a mixture of heartbreak, pain, hope, passion, regret and desire. You win and lose some along the way. In the end, the person you love makes you a better you. They don't let you just live, they push your limits and let you see all the world has to offer. They love you even when you make a mistake. They will love your scars, because they are a part of you. They'll protect you from the pain that the world holds and when it finds you, they'll fight along your side. They'll help carry your burdens.

This book is a broken kind of beautiful. *shrugs* That's really the best way I can describe it.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Out of Town-ness

Hey y'all,

So you may have noticed I haven't gone on my usual commenting rampage today. Why? I'm on vacation! Where? At a water park(:  For how long? Until the end of Friday! Don't worry I'll be back for the Summer Lovin' Read-a-thon....boy am I excited! If you haven't signed up yet, be sure to check my sidebar for the link to the sign up page.

So until then I'll leave you with some regularly updated feed. Be sure to check in tomorrow (I think) for my review of Pushing the Limits. It's a five star review, and if you've read some of my posts, which hopefully you have, I almost never give a book 5 stars.

I'll hopefully be updating my twitter regularly. If you don't follow me on twitter yet, you can check the sidebar for the bird holding a banner. It's adorable. You know you want to click it. You know you want to. 

Giveaways to Check Out:

 Extra Goodies:

So have a great rest of the week guys!!



WAITING ON WEDNESDAY is a weekly event, hosted at Breaking The Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating.

This Week:

 In the second book of the Arcana Chronicles Evie has now fully come into her powers as the tarot Empress. And Jackson was there to see it all. In the aftermath of killing Arthur, the tarot Alchemist, Evie realizes that a war is brewing between the other teens that, following the apocalypse, have been given powers and its kill or be killed.

Things get even more complicated when Evie meets Death, the mysterious, sexy Endless Knight. Somehow the Empress and Death share a romantic history - one that Evie can't remember, but Death can't forget. She is drawn to the Endless Knight, but is in love with Jack. Determined to discover why she's been granted these powers, Evie struggles to accept her place in a prophecy that will either save the world, or completely destroy it.

To Be Published: October 1, 2013


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I'm on Bloglovin' !!!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Yes, I've decided to conform to the likes of society. So how's life everyone? Since this is apparently the new 'thing' can you follow me via Bloglovin? 

Was that a yes? Oh, you are just all kinds of amazing!

*Once my blog gets 150 followers, I'll be doing an epic giveaway to celebrate* 


Top Ten Books I've Read So Far In 2013

Each week, The Broke and Bookish host a Top Ten Tuesday based on a certain bookish topic. Other bloggers are able to participate and post their own top ten list based on the topic. They are kinda crazy and a totally fun to read.

TOP TEN: Books I love from (mostly) this year (:


Monday, June 24, 2013

Triangles Book Blitz (Giveaway)

by Kimberly Ann Miller
Release Date: 06/18/13
Publisher: Spencer Hill Press

Summary from Goodreads: 
A cruise ship. A beautiful island. Two sexy guys. What could possibly go wrong?

In the Bermuda Triangle—a lot.

Hoping to leave behind the reminders of her crappy life--her father's death years ago, her mother's medical problems, and the loser who’s practically stalking her--seventeen-year-old Autumn Taylor hops on a ship with her sister for a little distraction. When she wakes up in the Bermuda Triangle, she fears she's gone nuts for more than one reason: that loser’s suddenly claiming they're a happy couple... a hot guy is wrapping his arms around her and saying "Happy Anniversary"... and suddenly, she’s full of bruises, losing her hair, and getting IV medication. Autumn visits the ship's doctor, hoping for a pill or a shot to make the craziness go away. Instead, she's warned that these "alternate realities" could become permanent.

She just has to ask herself one question—how the hell is she going to get out of this mess?

 photo addtogoodreadssmall_zpsa2a6cf28.png  photo B6096376-6C81-4465-8935-CE890C777EB9-1855-000001A1E900B890_zps5affbed6.jpg  photo 111AD205-AA04-4F9E-A0F4-C1264C4E9F30-1855-000001A1E8CEB6D7_zps9b730b94.jpg  photo B1426D4C-9EEC-4C0B-A1FB-90524B03C0CA-1855-000001A1E82B3B3E_zps17d98f4d.jpg

“Are you all right, honey?”

I opened my eyes. An attractive young woman with red hair and brilliant
green eyes was looking at me. What I thought was salt water from the
ocean must have been tears because my face was the only one nearby that
was wet. I glanced at her concerned expression and smiled. “Yes, thank
you. I’m fine.” I swiped away a tear with my finger. “Just…everything’s

She stepped closer and lowered her voice. “This cruise will change
your life. Nothing will be the same when it’s over, but it will be worth it.
You’ll see.” Her emerald eyes twinkled, and she nodded her head once.

I forced a laugh to be polite. “Thanks. Enjoy your cruise.”

What a weirdo. What did that even mean? How could a cruise change
my life? I moved from my spot to avoid more weirdness from her and
found a less populated area at the back of the ship. New York and New
Jersey disappeared behind us as we charged toward Bermuda and away
from the mess my life had become.

A cloud covered the retreating sun, sending shivers through me. A
white-haired lady dropped her purse and lots of change tumbled out. A
penny hit my foot and landed on tails.

My cell phone buzzed. I pulled it from my pocket. I had thirteen
messages and thirteen texts. How would Nisha survive the next five days
without hearing from me? I took care of the messages and told her I’d call
her when we got back to Jersey.

Even though I was not very superstitious, a bad feeling crawled into
the pit of my stomach and took up residence.

I knew what I was leaving behind, but what was I floating toward?

Kimberly Miller received Bachelor's degrees from Georgian Court University and Rutgers University and a Master's degree from The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. She is an avid reader and particularly enjoys true crime and young adult novels. She grew up in New Jersey and currently resides in Monmouth County with her husband and three cats. When she’s not writing, she loves to travel to sunny islands where she snorkels by day and stargazes by night. She always takes her Nook with her. 


(2) $10 gift card to Amazon or Barnes and Noble
Spencer Hill Press is also doing a giveaway for a cruise!  Click HERE to enter to win!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Cover Love Monday

Just like it sounds, we showcase book covers to obsess about, on what day? Can you guess? That's right. Monday. This lovely meme is hosted at  Kim @ Divergent Gryffindor 

Although I have yet to manage to finish the book that cover is sigh worthy...don't you think?


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking The Shelves, hosted by Tynga’s Reviews, is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks...I kinda collect those in bulk. Hello! Freebies!!

This Week:


If I Should Die
Of Triton
Pushing the Limits
Dare You To
Eleanor & Park
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Two Way Street
Fifteenth Summer

Friend Gifted:

Through the Ever Night

Author Gifted:

The Athena Effect 

The Devil's Rose Series (Amazon had it all FREE)
Fearless (King #1)
Wickedest Witch
The Rush
Audrey's Guide to Witchcraft


By Blood by Tracy E. Banghart COVER REVEAL Blitz

Kindle Edition
Published February 18th 2013
ISBN: 9780989037 
For 17-year-old Emma Wong, spending a summer in England should be a dream come true. Gorgeous scenery? Check. Lots of hot guys with accents? Yes, please.

Throw in an estranged mom, annoying new stepdad, and drooling baby half-brother, and it’s a disaster even her favorite cherry red leather jacket can’t fix. Even worse, there’s (hot) live-in research assistant Josh to contend with. The only thing more embarrassing than drunk-kissing him hours after they meet? Knowing he’ll be witness to her family’s dysfunction all. summer. long.

But when Emma meets a mysterious girl who happens to be a Druid, her vacation suddenly promises to be far more intriguing than she anticipated. Powerful rituals, new friends, an intoxicating sense of freedom...and Simon, the sexy foreign stranger she was hoping for. It’s all a perfect distraction from dirty diapers and awkward family dinners.

Trouble is, intriguing doesn’t often mean simple. And Emma is about to discover just how not simple her life really is.

By Blood is a novel about the ways that blood can bind us to others – or tear us apart.


To get in the mood to write By Blood, I listened to British pop music for the fun Oxford touristy bits and dreamy, atmospheric songs for the Druid rituals. Some of my favorites:

Follow Me Home, Sugababes
Sin Sin Sin, Robbie Williams
You Never Get What You Deserve, Starsailor
Goodbye My Lover, James Blunt
People Got a Lotta Nerve, Neko Case
On My Way Back Home, Band of Horses
Your Heart Is As Black As Night, Melody Gardot
First Love, Adele
Cannonball, Damien Rice
Criminal, Fiona Apple
If You Want Me, from the movie Once
Finding My Own Way, Charlotte Church
The Moon and Sky, Sade


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Tracy E. Banghart is a cheesy movie–loving, fantasy football–playing (go Ravens!), globe-trotting Army wife who began “practicing” her craft at the age of five, when she wrote her first story. She loves visiting the international friends she met while pursuing her MA in Publishing and spends a portion of every summer at her family’s cabin in Canada, where she finds inspiration and lots of time to relax on the dock. She lives with her husband, son, two lazy dogs and one ornery cat. When not writing or spending time with her family, she is on a mission to bake the perfect cupcake.
