
Monday, January 30, 2012

XVI by-Julia Karr

In the future, innocence expires at sixteen....
Every girl gets one. An XVI tattoo on their wrist. The Government says its for their own protection.
Some girls can't wait to be sixteen, to be legal. Nina is not one of them. Even though she has no choice in the matter, she knows as long as her life continues as normal, everything will be okay.
Then, with one brutal strike, Nina's normal is shattered; and she discovers that nothing that she believed about her life is true. But there's one boy who can help- and he just may hold the key to her past.
But there's a line of attraction and danger as thin as a whisper, one thing is for sure....... for Nina, turning sixteen promises to be anything but sweet.

This book is all about what you never expect. Nina's friend, her best friend, and she cannot wait to become legal. For guys to look at her no-XVI tattooed writs in disappointment. When Nina discovers ground-breaking secrets, you never expect what is going to happen next. This is a must read for YA Fiction!! It kept me turning page after page until I was done. When I was finally done I sat the book down with a sigh. All I can say is that Julia Karr, you should really write another, a sequel to this amazing book! Great Job!

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