
Friday, March 29, 2013

Feature Follow #2

Hosted by Parajunkee & Alison Can Read, as a great way to find new book blogs!

Okay I have seen these two questions on everyone's blogs : The one below and Biggest Emotional I did them both *shrugs*

Q: Fight! Fight! If you could have two fictional characters battle it out (preferably from books), who would they be and who do you think would win?

A: That's a hard one! I think I would have Patch from Hush, Hush and Kai from Sweet Evil battle it out. My money would be on Kai. Patch is a fallen angel but Kai is the son of the Duke of Lust.
Q:  Tell us about the most emotional scene you’ve ever read in a book – and how did you react?
A: I know how cliche this answer is, but no book has ever made me cry like
The Fault in Our Stars did. You spend the whole entire book falling in love with
the character and then the cancer
takes him away. I'm not a big crier.....but that book made me sob.

What about you?



  1. GREAT choice... I absolutely bawled like a baby in that one. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my FF. :)

    Brandy @ A Little of the Book Life
    New Follower

  2. I'm not a big crier either, but TFIOS got me too. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Ditto on The Fault in Our Stars! I absolutely loved it, but don't think I can ever read it again because of the emotion it caused. Thanks for visiting my FF! I'm a new GFC follower.

    1. Of course(: Lol I want to read it again BECAUSE of all the crying I did
