
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Wings of Arian by Devri Walls

ebook, 462 pages
Published April 24th 2012 by Stonehouse Ink
ISBN13: 9781938426520 
Rating: 4 Stars
Summary:  Kiora thought she had never heard a lie until she was sixteen. But she was wrong. Her entire existence was based on nothing but. She thought that evil did not exist. Lie. That magic was not real. Lie. And that the land of Meros was all there was. One more lie.

With Aleric telling her that evil is knocking on the door and that she is the only one who can stop them she has a choice to make. Refuse, or start the wildest most painful ride of her life.
She reluctantly dips her toe into her new existence of magic and threads, dragons and shapeshifters, and the person who wants to take control of it all: the evil Dralazar.

However, this journey was never meant to be hers alone. She will be accompanied by a Protector. To her disbelief, and utter irritation they name the hotheaded, stubborn, non -magical, (albeit gorgeous) Prince Emane. They will have to trust each other with their lives, but right now Kiora would settle for a non hostile conversation.

And now it comes down to this, If you had never heard a lie, would you know when you heard one? Is knowing good from evil innate? Kiora finds herself having to decide who lives and who dies on those very questions.

 Ummmm, let's see, what do we have here? Hot protector? Check. Strong female lead that will save the world? Check. Lots of fantastical creatures that I wish lived here on our humble earth society? CHECK!
Yup. This book has everything. I cannot believe I marked this as a 'maybe' on my Kindle. I totally wish I read it sooner. Yes, I did, indeed, devour it in one (yes, one) day. It was that good of a book.
This book was all over discovering who you are, what you want and the power of choosing who you are and who you want to be.
It has dragons *eeps!!!*
So basically there is a lovely village girl who is going to save the world and fall in love with the prince (her protector). She can communicate with Pegasus and will lead an army of shapeshifters, guardians and loads of magical people. She has a purpose that not even she knows.
So should you read this?
Yes. If you don't....
Then maybe life doesn't have a purpose anymore. Just saying. *shrugs*
