
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Daisy Whitney {Interview}

Kindle Edition, 264 pages
Published June 4th 2013 by Little, Brown
 Filled with humor, raw emotion, a strong voice, and a brilliant dog named Sandy Koufax, When You Were Here explores the two most powerful forces known to man-death and love. Daisy Whitney brings her characters to life with a deft touch and resonating authenticity.

Danny's mother lost her five-year battle with cancer three weeks before his graduation-the one day that she was hanging on to see.

Now Danny is left alone, with only his memories, his dog, and his heart-breaking ex-girlfriend for company. He doesn't know how to figure out what to do with her estate, what to say for his Valedictorian speech, let alone how to live or be happy anymore.

When he gets a letter from his mom's property manager in Tokyo, where she had been going for treatment, it shows a side of his mother he never knew. So, with no other sense of direction, Danny travels to Tokyo to connect with his mother's memory and make sense of her final months, which seemed filled with more joy than Danny ever knew. There, among the cherry blossoms, temples, and crowds, and with the help of an almost-but-definitely-not Harajuku girl, he begins to see how it may not have been ancient magic or mystical treatment that kept his mother going. Perhaps, the secret of how to live lies in how she died.
Let’s meet the author!
Daisy and I sat down at a cute coffee shop after browsing Selexyz Bookstore, a really cool bookstore in Holland.
Me: If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Daisy: Chocolate chip cookies

Me: How did you come up with the idea for When You Were Here?
Daisy: One Sunday afternoon when we took my dog Violet to the beach to chase
tennis balls, I imagined a young man all alone with his dog, and that
image became Danny struggling to find his way in the world after he
loses some of the people he loves..

Me: What is one book that surpassed you expectations?
Daisy: I'm a huge fan of Kendare Blake's Anna Dressed in Blood series. It
surpassed my expectations simply because I'm not a horror fan, but she
tells such a compelling story that I couldn't put it down!

Me: What is you favorite character in your book?
Daisy: I love them all! But I am especially fond of Sandy Koufax and Kana

  Me: If you were stuck on a deserted island, which of these things would
you want to have with you and why?: A strawberry scented candle, a
book, fish food, a pineapple rind or a spoon.

Daisy: A book to pass the time til my search and rescue crew arrives in two
hours because they HAVE TO COME!

~Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
~Inside or outside? Inside
~Apples or oranges? Apples because they are less messy


 By day, Daisy Whitney is a reporter and ghostwriter. At night, she writes novels for teens and is the author of THE MOCKINGBIRDS and its sequel THE RIVALS (Little, Brown). Her third novel WHEN YOU WERE HERE releases in June 2013 (Little, Brown), and her fourth novel STARRY NIGHTS (Bloomsbury) hits shelves in September 2013. When Daisy's not inventing fictional high school worlds, she can be found somewhere north of San Francisco walking her adorable dog, watching online TV with her fabulous husband or playing with her fantastic kids.  A graduate of Brown University, she believes in shoes, chocolate chip cookies and karma.  You can follow her writing blog and new media adventures at




  1. It's so cool you got to meet her ! I can't wait to read this book, the cover is wondeful.

    1. xD I didn't get to meet her in person, just over email. The whole Holland thing is my imagination. I have it sitting on my Kindle. CANNOT wait to get started!
      Thanks for stopping by
