
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Review: Endless Knight by Kresley Cole

Endless Knight by Kresley Cole
October 1, 2013
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers


Evie has her full powers as the Tarot Empress, and Jack was there to see it all. Teens reincarnated as the Tarot are in the throes of an epic battle for mankind. She must trust new allies against other Arcana, Bagmen zombies, post-apocalyptic storms, and cannibals. But she's also drawn to Death, the Endless Knight, who shares history with the Empress. She can't remember; he can't forget

“I desired you before, but I never loved you until this life.”

Well, it's official. I'm in love with Death. I know, I know. I was all over Jack in The Poison Princess, but Death is, well, Endless Knight. 

The book starts immediately where Poison Princess leaves off. Evie is now officially The Empress. Yes, officially. She's made her first kill, The Hermit, and it's not her last. The game has officially began and there's no stopping it now. Evie has finally realized what she is and that she cannot avoid it.

It’s not just the other Arcana who see her go full on Empress, Jack saw also and did not react the way Evie was hoping. And with this we experience the pain and suffering that carries its way through the entire novel. We see as Evie try's to learn how to accept who she is now, who she'll never be. We see her shock the other players when she forms her plan because she is nothing like any of her other personas before. Even though everyone fears Endless Knight, The Empress is evil. E. V. I. L. And that is what makes this one different.

For the beginning, Death is chasing Evie, making sure that every one of the Arcana know that her life is his to take. His and only his. Okay, I know this sounds strange, but I liked death from the beginning. He didn’t try to be anyone he’s not. I mean sure he try’s very hard to deny what he’s feeling, but he has excellent reason to. With her and Jack they did everything but talk but not with Death. With Death what that had felt…..endless. TEAM DEATH!!!

“My fierce Empress. I could not be prouder.” He bestowed a real smile on me, not a mocking sneer, not a grudging half-grin.

Cole makes everything seem utterly surreal with her wicked amazing writing style. Even the dull, grey apocalyptic setting seemed perfect. Strange right? But it worked. I mean, I love this book to pieces. The descriptions made everything seem completely read and amazing and I love it. The way the other cards are woven into the book and Evie’s story is very well done and makes the book all the better.
We meet a few new cards as well as hear of the death of others.

Endless Knight is about what it means to be strong, to be weak, to be scared and to know who you truly are.

The ending. Mmmm. I don’t think I like it. I mean I wanted it to happen but not like that. How unfortunate.

Next one please!

In the end, don't you love a good book? Have any of y'all read this book or The Poison Princess? What did y'all think. Leave me a link so I can check out your blogs!

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