
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Feature Follow Friday

Hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Answer the question, follow the blog and leave a comment so I can follow back! This blog prefers GFC or Bloglovin' Followers! This blog has an epic giveaway going on for all followers! Check the side bar. 

Question of the Week: Change the plot of a book! Go ahead! Say what you wish would have happened!

Answer of the Week

Honestly, I would change a book's ending. It ended the way the author intended it to be. And cliff hangers, no matter how annoying, do their job and get you to read the next book. 
If anything I would change a book all together. Not the ending. 

What do y'all think? What book would you change, if you would change any at all?


  1. That is very true about cliffhangers.
    My FF

    New GFC follower

  2. Good answer! New follower on Bloglovin'
    My FF

  3. I wouldnt change the ending but sometimes do wish to change some scenes.. :)
    New GFC follower..

    -Njkinny @ Njkinny's World of Books

  4. I love your answer. It's how I often feel. I may disagree and wish it was different, but I usually think the author knows what they're intending. This is what fanfiction is for in my eyes.

    I also love your blog title. You are kind of awesome actually.

    I'm a new follower via GFC, bloglovin, and twitter.

    Here's my Follow Friday post if you'd like to check it out.

    Rebecca @ Vicariously!

  5. So very true, I would never change a cliffhanger ending I love/hate cliffhangers!

    My FFF
    Rimsha@Ramblings of a Bookworm

  6. I usually feel the same way you do and almost gave this same answer. But then I thought of The Friday Night Knitting Club and how much I didn't like it because of the end (which didn't feel sincere or authentic) and decided to talk about that instead. It was the only book I could think of. :)

    New follower on BookLikes, Twitter, and BlogLovin'.

    Jessica @ Tales Between the Pages

  7. Hopping through. I do have things I would like to change in books but I know what you mean about liking books for the way they are. Including cliff hangers.4My FF

  8. New follower on GFC/Bloglovin. Hi! :)

    You know, it was really hard for me to answer this question, too. I'm generally pretty satisfied in how an author chooses to finish his or her book.

  9. It depends actually, whether or not I'm satisfied with how the book turned out. :)

    New GFC and bloglovin follower!

    -Kimi at Geeky Chiquitas

  10. Hi there, following thru from Parajunkie's FF, and now following you via GFC You can find me at BookShelves Of Dreams

  11. I felt this way in the back of my mind too. As much as you may dislike something, in the end, it wasn't your creative brain child. The author had an obvious intention - whether that be to make the reader laugh, cry, or pissed off ;-)

    old follower
