
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

ARC Review: Don't Even Think About It by Sarah Mlynowski

March 11, 2014


 We weren't always like this. We used to be average New York City high school sophomores. Until our homeroom went for flu shots. We were prepared for some side effects. Maybe a headache. Maybe a sore arm. We definitely didn't expect to get telepathic powers. But suddenly we could hear what everyone was thinking. Our friends. Our parents. Our crushes. Now we all know that Tess is in love with her best friend, Teddy. That Mackenzie cheated on Cooper. That, um, Nurse Carmichael used to be a stripper.

Since we've kept our freakish skill a secret, we can sit next to the class brainiac and ace our tests. We can dump our boyfriends right before they dump us. We know what our friends really think of our jeans, our breath, our new bangs. We always know what's coming. Some of us will thrive. Some of us will crack. None of us will ever be the same.
So stop obsessing about your ex. We're always listening.

DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT was an interesting idea. It was normal high schoolers turned mind readers by an out of the ordinary flu shot. Combined with the drama that comes with high school: the dating scene, apparent secrets and sixth fingers, you really don’t want people in our head listening to your every thought.

In this book, that is exactly what happened. Secrets exposed. Lots of betrayal. Idiot boyfriends. And a smart girl is on the way to losing her head, if she hasn’t lost it already. There is new found love, lost love, odd experiments and things they would have rather not heard.

I really, don’t have much of an opinion about this book. It was okay. I wish there was more about the whole government mix-up thingy than all the high school stuff. I liked the romance. And in the end, everything was tied up in a nice little bow. It was too…perfect. Not the good kind of perfect. More like straight laced perfect.

It felt like the way the author wanted to tell it and the way it was told was disconnected. She wanted it told was a 'we.' You could see that from the way the summary was written. It was lots of 'I' withe the few occasional 'we' thrown in for good measure. 

This book is pretty much a solid three stars for me. I was surprised by how ordinary it felt, especially with the whole mind reading bit of the book. 

Who's read this one? What did y'all think? If you could read minds what would be the first thing that you did. I think I would just listen and gather lots of incriminating information. Hehehe. 

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