
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Three Slow-Cooker Recipes to Pair with "Status Update" by Annabeth Albert

My friend Brian (who is basically the king of good book recommendations) set out to have me read STATUS UPDATE a little while ago. When I won his Twitter giveaway, this was the first one I set out to read. What a way to begin. I mean, really, y’all—I’m swooning. This book is about two guys who’ve got some issues on the relationship front, as well as some personal problems to work out. Luckily, they meet through their adorable mutts. When Adrian’s latest relationship fails, Noah decides to help this poor fellow out. Of course, we can’t just leave it there. Sparks fly.

In this darling book, which is my favorite of the three I’ve read by the author, Noah has a bit of an obsession with crock pot meals (we learn later the significance of said crock pot). I’ve decided to put together this little post to share some crock pot meals from the ever-glorious Pinterest. Two I’ve tried, and the other, well, I really, really want to.

First up is the recipe I have not tried yet…crock pot beef stew! These two males are stuck in this trailer in the cold of winter. Snow, cute as heck dogs. They’re hungry (I don’t mean just for each other) and I think this stew would have warmed them hair to hide. For me, a crock pot roast is the ultimate comfort food. Salt, pepper, chunks of beef and carrots. Not too many things that I could eat every week for the rest of my life. This recipe takes it up a notch a bit in terms of what to do, but I think that these guys would go an extra mile for the other, to make sure they’re all warm and cozy and full for the winter nights.

Next, let’s talk about the wonders of crock pot hot chocolate. I mean, yuuuummmmy. Sweetened condensed milk? Chocolate chips? Lord have mercy. Wake up in the morning to the rich brew that’s been cooking all night? That, my darlings, that is the life. And it’s gluten-free, just like the beef stew! So Adrian can have it without any issues. Isn’t Noah just super caring? (I know, I’m swooning too. What a catch.)

Finally, we’ve got ourselves something super delicious. I actually made with at the dorm for Sunday dinner. What am I talking about? Crock pot chicken gnocci soup. Ugh. So good. Again. It’s winter. Gnocci is so dang delicious. Chicken is also nice. Warmth. Hot guy. I mean—what? Either way, you can’t go wrong with soup on a cold day.


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