Music Monday
Hey, y'all! Well, I've decided to try to expand my horizons and show all you lovely people some of my other interests. One is books. One is clothes (there we get all those oh-so-very-lovely book looks). And there's also food (I don't know what to do with that one yet. Check out my instagram if you want to see all the food. Because there is a whole lot. You've also seen art, like in my typography post. The one this post is going to hopefully weave into this blog is music. I really adore music.
I like finding new music and ranting and singing and becoming obsessed so much that it's on repeat for a week and I get sick of it.
Okay, so last week I discovered this wonderful band. Think the Black Keys but female. Yes. I'm in love. They sound so freaking fantastic. Raspy voices with the bluesy tone and a hit of hard rock and they're what you get. Oh yes.
I found them on Spotify. Now I am obsessed. So very obsessed. They're my arting music. Yes, they've replaced Florence and the Machine.
So basically I love them and you should too.
Got any recommendations for me? What do y'all think of Deap Vally?

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